Meet Our Trainer

Meet Don Hoover, a highly regarded and accredited dog trainer with over a decade of professional experience. Don works with dogs of all ages, sizes, breeds, and behavioral needs. As the founder, lead trainer, and behavior consultant of UB Haven, he specializes in addressing anxiety and aggression in dogs. He has earned certifications from the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, The American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizenship Program, and The International College of Canine Studies. In addition, Don is a professional member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers. Don holds a Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship from the University of South Florida. He is particularly passionate about creating customized behavior modification plans for rescued dogs who have experienced trauma and are struggling to adjust to their new surroundings. With his expertise and dedication, Don can help you and your canine companion develop a stronger bond and overcome any behavioral challenges.

“I have dedicated over a decade of my life to pursuing my passion for dog training, and throughout this journey, I've gained invaluable insights. When I initially launched my business ten years ago, I believed that in-home private sessions would be the optimal way to assist clients and their beloved canine family members.

However, I soon realized that in-home sessions could pose significant risks, particularly when working with aggressive dogs or inexperienced owners. As my expertise grew in handling anxious and aggressive dogs, my client base for such cases expanded. The potential dangers of bites and injuries became all too real, prompting me to prioritize safety in a controlled and neutral environment.

Consequently, I established a dedicated facility to conduct my training sessions. For six remarkable years, our brick and mortar training studio served as our base of operations. Nonetheless, I came to a profound realization during this time. While the studio provided artificial simulation and yielded positive outcomes in many ways, it failed to capture the authenticity of dogs and their owners in the comfort of their own homes—the very place where most behavior issues arise. It became evident to me that the training studio was no longer the most effective approach for serving our clients. I knew I needed to innovate and elevate our services to a higher level. That's when the concept of hybrid virtual and in-person training took shape.

This hybrid approach has revolutionized UB Haven. By integrating virtual sessions into our training process, I can thoroughly assess a dog's behavior and training requirements before setting foot in the client's home. It also enables me to educate owners about essential knowledge and techniques before any in-home sessions take place, maximizing safety and efficacy.

The results of this hybrid approach have been remarkable. Clients have reported significant improvements in their dogs' behavior and a newfound confidence in handling their canine companions. Moreover, this approach has allowed me to extend my services beyond my immediate area, providing valuable assistance to clients far and wide—a truly fantastic opportunity.

The UBH approach to dog training has been a transformative journey, but an immensely rewarding one. By seamlessly blending in-person and virtual training methods, I've been able to offer unparalleled service to my clients while prioritizing the safety of both myself and their beloved dogs. Here's to many more years of fostering happiness and well-behaved pups!”

-Don Hoover: Founder, Trainer & Behavior Consultant

Meet Jeffrey, our distinguished senior dogfessional. I welcomed Jeffrey into my life when he was just 7 months old, as I completed my education at the Pet Training Academy.   Jeffrey has been an unwavering companion, truly a dog of a lifetime.

During my educational journey, I had the privilege of apprenticing with a renowned behavior consultant who owned three Chinese Crested Dogs, each playing a vital role in shaping my expertise in pet training. It was through a friend's connection that I was introduced to a breeder who had imported Jeffrey from Germany to enhance her bloodlines of show dogs. Unfortunately, Jeffrey grew larger than the breed standard, leading the breeder to make the decision of neutering him and finding him a loving pet home.

When I met Jeffrey for the first time, my heart instantly melted. Having developed a deep affection for my mentor's Chinese Crested Dogs, I never imagined the opportunity to adopt one of my own would arise so soon. Though Jeffrey may be larger than the average Chinese Crested, he proudly represents the breed and embodies everything I adore about them.  Jeffrey has been my loyal companion, standing by my side through countless milestones.

With an exceptional level of training, Jeffrey stands head and shoulders above his fellow dogfessionals, epitomizing canine excellence in every aspect. As the sole holder of the esteemed Certified AKC Canine Good Citizen title, his expertise knows no bounds.

Jeffrey's unwavering passion for retrieving balls is unparalleled, making him an enthusiastic aficionado in the field. His playful antics with a ball bring immeasurable joy to our lives. Moreover, his irresistible charm and striking appearance make him a true vision of handsomeness, turning heads wherever he gracefully strides.

Introducing Henry, a truly remarkable and resilient companion. When I adopted Henry, he carried the weight of past hardships, having endured neglect and abuse by a family with children before being surrendered to an animal rescue at the age of nearly 2 years. For six long months, he patiently waited for his forever home, until fate brought us together.

At the time, I was mourning the loss of my beloved Labrador of 15 years and searching for a special companion who would also serve as a project partner, complementing Jeffrey's presence in our lives. Henry's journey of transformation and healing has become an integral part of my conversations with clients in our Behavior Modification Programs.

In my time with Henry, he has taught me invaluable lessons about patience, anxiety, prevention, advocacy, behavior modification, management, and above all, compassion. Through his own remarkable growth and blossoming confidence, Henry continues to amaze me with his unwavering bravery.

One of Henry's endearing qualities is his love for expressing himself through song. When he wants something or is feeling playful, his melodious tunes earn him the playful nickname "Henriana Grande." His musical outbursts never fail to bring a smile to our faces and remind us of the joy that can be found in even the simplest of moments.

Allow us to introduce you to Trip, the hairless bundle of joy with a plethora of endearing nicknames such as Peesh, Long Toes, and Small. Trip's journey with us began at a tender age of 3 months when he, along with 16 other Chinese Crested puppies, was released to an animal shelter in Tampa. These puppies were rescued from a breeding operation that was shut down.

The moment news of these rescued puppies spread on social media, numerous people tagged me, knowing my fondness for this particular breed. Though I hadn't been actively searching for a third dog, the instant I met Trip, I knew that I couldn't let the opportunity pass by. Raising a rescued Chinese Crested from puppyhood the UB Haven way was an opportunity I couldn't resist.

Trip's upbringing has been a testament to responsible training and nurturing at UB Haven. He embodies the ideals we strive for, serving as a remarkable model for clients seeking assistance with their own puppies and young dogs. By observing Trip's journey, our clients catch a glimpse of the boundless potential that lies within their own canine companions.

With an unwavering zest for life, Trip embraces every experience with unbridled enthusiasm, curiosity, and pure joy. He radiates an infectious love for just about everything, reminding us all to cherish the simple pleasures that the world has to offer.

Introducing Kitty, the matriarch of our pet family. From the moment I adopted Kitty during my freshman year of college, she has been a steadfast presence, witnessing and adapting to the countless changes that have unfolded over the years.

When Kitty first joined our household, my faithful Labrador Retriever companion, Baily, was her sole canine companion. Together, they formed a remarkable bond, serving as a source of inspiration and guidance in my journey to help clients navigate the intricacies of cohabitating with both cats and dogs. Kitty's wisdom and experiences have provided valuable insights, enabling me to strategize and offer effective advice for households with diverse animal dynamics.

While Kitty's affection leans more towards our canine companions, she has surprised us all by willingly embracing new challenges and learning various tricks. From waving hello to gracefully navigating agility jumps and tunnels, Kitty's repertoire of tricks also includes sitting, spinning, and even vocalizing on cue. Her entertaining abilities continue to captivate both our family and our clients, sparking lively conversations about her remarkable journey.

Kitty holds a special place in all our hearts, and we often recount her tales and lessons with our clients. She exemplifies the harmonious coexistence of cats and dogs, reminding us of the profound joy and enrichment that interspecies relationships can bring.